Sunday, 14 February 2016

What a week!

It was week for the Chinese Lunar New Year and now I am back to business! I should write more often but sadly, I don't have just enough time to write as often I like to. I am so sorry! Happy Valentine's day!

Tai Mei Tuk

Now some news briefly. Instead of hanging out with my computer I had a lovely week with my exchange friends. Last weekend we had a cycling tour in New Territories. The weather couldn't be better! We cycled about 26 km near the sea from Tai Wai to Tai Mei Tuk. I was so excited to have a good exercise but it turned out to be more like leisure cycling but that's fine - I am not here for the sports, I am having time of my life! So no any pressure to be in shape after this exchange! :D

Cycling path

After the weekend we had a trip to Macau with Louise, Victoria, Francesca and Duncan. Louise and Victoria are from Canada, Francesca from Italy and Duncan from France. We enjoyed our trip although everything went more or less as we had planned. First in the morning we missed our ferry from Hong Kong island to Macau but luckily we got another one for free. Then because of the delay we missed Macau's New Year Parade.  We took a moment to get it over with and we made it! But that's not all! Initially we planned to visit Macau on Monday since we had heard that there is amazing fireworks then. Well, the fireworks turned out to hold on Tuesday so we didn't have any parade or any fireworks.. However we still decided to make our trip memorable by trowing a party and going to gamble! We had a few drinks, a good music and so on.. Suddenly we found ourselves in front of the Casino and someone nameless (:D) couldn't get in to Wynn Casino so nameless guy went back to our hotel to sleep tight. The rest of us got in and we spent there for over four hours gambling! And quess what, we lost everything! The day after we visited the portugese area of Macau which is called Taipa. It was a lovely village with a hint of Portugese styled things for example portugese styled egg tarts, streets with the Portugese names! After a long day with headache we finally got in back to Hong Kong to watch the Chinese New Year fireworks in Kowloon, Tsim Sha Tsui.

Soo all in all we made our trip memorable! High 5!

The fireworks
Casinos in Macau

Portugese style
Portugese eggtart
Macanese food and beer

On Wednesday I work a bit so there is nothing to tell you guys now. For the weekend we just made small trips around Hong Kong. For example we went to the Jade Market where they sell jewelries made of Jade stone which are really expensive if you want a real one. Also we did some hike on the Mount Davis that is located right behind our hall. That was fun! Also I was really excited, it was almost +30 degrees because of the humidity here! Ah, sooo warm! <3

The view from Mount Davis
Now it is time to go to bed! Good night, sleep tight! 


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